
The LEPR Q223R polymorphism as a potential bioindicator of class II malocclusion

F Jazaldi, ED Handayani, YNU Damayanti, AT Sarwono, BM Soegiharto, …
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 9, 351-5

The roles of genetic and epigenetic aspects in mandibular prognathism: A review

PF Zahro, FV Ayu, F Jazaldi, EI Auerkari
4th International conference on life sciences and biotechnology (ICOLIB 2021 …

Patau Syndrome: Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects

Y Octavia
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Life Sciences and …

The Roles of Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects in Mandibular Prognathism: A Review

P Fatimatus, EFIA Zahro, F Jazaldi
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Life Sciences and …

Molecular genetics of osteogenesis imperfecta

RS Moekti, MGS Hanafi, F Jazaldi, FP Gultom, EI Auerkari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1943 (1), 012074

Leptin gene (Lep) G-2548A polymorphism in patients with and without osteoporosis

YNU Damayanti, F Jazaldi, ED Handayani, AT Sarwono, LS Kusdhany, …
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1073, 032065