Effectiveness of herbal and non-herbal toothpastes in reducing dental plaque accumulation
Herbal and conventional toothpastes roles in gingivitis control in orthodontic patients
The LEPR Q223R polymorphism as a potential bioindicator of class II malocclusion
Runx2 rs59983488 polymorphism in class II malocclusion in the Indonesian subpopulation
Genetic and epigenetic aspects of class III malocclusion with mandibular prognathism phenotypes
Genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences on dental arch variation
The roles of genetic and epigenetic aspects in mandibular prognathism: A review
Perawatan Kasus Diastema Multipel Secara Multidisiplin
Patau Syndrome: Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects
The Roles of Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects in Mandibular Prognathism: A Review
Molecular genetics of osteogenesis imperfecta
Genetic and epigenetic influence on masseter muscle in the development of skeletal malocclusion
Booklet” Pencegahan Kelainan Tumbuh Kembang Gigi Dan Rahang Dalam Bidang Ortodonti”
Karya Rekaman Video” Penyuluhan Kelainan Tumbuh Kembang Gigi Dan Rahang Dalam Bidang Ortodonti”
Leptin gene (Lep) G-2548A polymorphism in patients with and without osteoporosis